
Monday, 4th December 2023

Dear parents and carers,

I am delighted to inform you that Horsenden Primary School has been awarded a ‘good’ judgement following our recent two-day Section 5 Ofsted inspection on 7th and 8th November. The full report is below and will also be available to download from the Ofsted website in the next 10 working days.

We are extremely happy that the hard work and dedication of all of our staff has been recognised, and I am sure you will join me in congratulating everyone who works and volunteers in our school.

I want to draw your attention to the following feedback we received:

  • The school has designed a curriculum that is broad and stimulating, including for pupils with SEND. Pupils appreciate the regular opportunities the school provides to discuss and debate their ideas.
  • Teachers present information clearly and helpfully. They have secure subject knowledge and explain ideas clearly.
  • The school has set high expectations for behaviour. Staff take prompt and effective action when behaviour falls below the school’s expectations.
  • The school has a clear view of current strengths and areas for development. Priorities for improvement are well focused.

We were given only one area for development:

  • The school’s ambitious curriculum is not firmly embedded. In a few subjects, this is at an earlier stage of development. In these subjects, pupils do not secure the same depth of knowledge and understanding.

The inspection process was very detailed and rigorous, and we are tremendously proud to have been graded ‘good’ in all areas. We will, of course now continue to embed our ambitious curriculum to make sure that every subject is delivered as well as the most effective ones. We already have a clear plan for doing this, as is set out in our School Development Plan. We are proud that our curriculum is clearly helping children to know and remember more, as well as providing them with opportunities for their wider personal development.

I would like to again thank all of the staff for their commitment to the school, passion and unwavering positivity in the lead up to and following the inspection. We have over the years built a skilled and dedicated team who want the best for the children of Horsenden and regularly go above and beyond in their jobs to achieve this. I could not be more proud of the work we have done and will continue to do to make Horsenden the best it can be.

I would like to finish by expressing my sincere gratitude to the parents and community of Horsenden for your ongoing engagement and encouragement of the school. Your positive involvement in your child’s education have made a valuable contribution to the success of our school. Together we will continue to provide a nurturing and enriching environment for our children to grow.

If you have any questions about the report or if you would like a paper copy of it, please do contact the front office.

Yours sincerely,



Mrs E. Appelby  


Mrs L. Plummer

Chair of the Governing Board



The above report will appear on the Ofsted link in 10 days.