
For the 2023/24 academic year, we are excited to be introducing our four Houses to Horsenden Primary School, Syon, Osterley, Pitzhanger and Chiswick.

All children from Reception through to Year 6 will be assigned a house in the hopes of gaining valuable house points over the course of the year. 

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Our Houses

We hope that by being associated with a House team, it will help foster an even better sense of team spirit within the school and make children feel more engaged and more included in their House community.

We have decided to base our houses on local stately homes in the local London area. These consist of Syon (RED), Osterley (BLUE), Pitzhanger (YELLOW) and Chiswick (GREEN) and the children will have the chance to learn about the history of these houses over the course of the year. 

Additionally, we plan for the winning house – the house that manages to collect the most house points over the year - will be able to visit the establishment in the summer term and help build their cultural capital of knowing and understanding the history of the local area and see an impressive feature of architecture.


House Points instead of Dojo Points

We have decided to switch from Dojo Points to House Points for a number of reasons. 

Fosters Team Spirit: House systems encourage a sense of belonging and teamwork among students. Being part of a house gives students a chance to connect with peers from different year groups, fostering a supportive and inclusive school community.

Recognition: House points allow schools to recognise and reward students for their efforts and achievements. This recognition can boost students' self-esteem and motivation to excel academically and behaviourally. It allows pupils to receive individual praise and points, but is aimed at benefitting a house overall. 

Healthy Competition: House competitions can create a healthy competitive spirit among students. This competition can extend beyond academics to include sports, arts, and other extracurricular activities, encouraging students to develop their skills and talents.

Leadership Opportunities: House competitions can create a healthy competitive spirit among students. This competition can extend beyond academics to include sports, arts, and other extracurricular activities, encouraging students to develop their skills and talents.

Inclusive and Fair: House points can be awarded for a variety of reasons, including to start with for achieving our HORSE code ensuring that students of different abilities and interests have the opportunity to earn points. This inclusivity can motivate a wider range of students to participate and excel.

House Points can never be deducted, so every single point that is earned will help contribute towards the overall house total. 

 This academic year, 2024 - 2025, our House Captains are: 
