Catch Up Premium

In June 2020 the government announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up on missed learning caused by coronavirus (COVID19). This is especially important for the most vulnerable pupils and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds who we know have been most affected.

At Horsenden, we will be following the EEF guidance and implementing a tiered approach to supporting pupils to catch up with their peers. Formative and summative assessment data will be used to inform our catch up strategy. We know that our disadvantaged and pupils newer to speaking English have fallen further behind their peers and are in need of the most support to catch up.

In some homes, opportunities for talk and language development are limited and so we implement as many opportunities to develop and engage in talk as possible. Many families at Horsenden need much encouragement and support to enable them to engage in home learning including reading and writing at home.

Our priorities are as follows:

  • Get every child in KS1 reading fluently and support those falling behind in phonics in the EYFS to catch up quickly.
  • Reduce the attainment gap for disadvantaged pupils by improving opportunities for talk and vocabulary development in the classroom through quality first teaching.
  • Improve attendance of disadvantaged pupils by better understanding and reducing barriers to learning for targeted families.
  • Improve the quality of provision for pupils who are new to speaking English as an Additional Language so that they benefit from excellent quality first teaching in every class and through the delivery of interventions such as Talk Boost.
  • Identify and support English as an Additional Language pupils who are advanced bilingual learners to develop their technical language skills through the delivery of a series of language and comprehension interventions.
  • Make use of the National Tutoring Programme to support KS2 pupils who have fallen behind in maths.


These priorities will be met in a number of ways which may include, but may not be limited to the following:

  • Provide teachers and support staff with high quality training on language development and developing talk in the classroom.
  • To further improve the quality of assessment and feedback for all pupils, but specifically focused on providing highly personalised feedback to disadvantaged pupils and those who have fallen behind.
  • Purchase of additional resources and access to Learning Village to support pupils newer to English to continue to develop their language skills.
  • Recruit full time phonics Teaching Assistant to provide 1:1 and catch up groups in Early Years and Key Stage 1.
  • Appoint a Catch Up Teaching Assistant and train then in the use of a range of intervention strategies to support individuals and small groups of pupils.
  • Train EYFS and KS1 staff in the delivery of Talk Boost intervention. Purchase all resources to enable the effective deliver of the intervention.
  • Deliver Ealing’s Resilience Toolkit across the whole school. Regular resilience building strategies shared with parents via the weekly newsletter.
  • Investment additional time in having Place 2 Be available on site 5 days a week to provide counselling for pupils and families during the Spring and Summer terms.
  • Pupil and Family Worker to target and work with individuals with lower attendance, identify barriers and help family to address them.