Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution
to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary
for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for
understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics,
and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
-National Curriculum 2014
At Horsenden Primary School we want our pupils to value the importance of maths and recognise its significance as an essential and everyday life skill. We teach our pupils to make connections in maths as lifelong learners. We foster an approach where mathematical skills and knowledge can be utilised and developed in a real world context.
As a school, we are determined to deliver bespoke maths teaching and learning for pupils of all abilities and backgrounds and we do this through the maths mastery approach. Staff positively nurture resilient, inquisitive learning behaviours and this allows the pupils to enjoy and succeed in this subject area. We aim to ensure that all pupils are confident in answering fluency, reasoning and problem solving tasks and that they understand what skills they must use to do this.
In lessons, small learning steps ensure that pupils build a strong foundation in their mastery journey. Alongside fundamental skills, the pupils at Horsenden are educated in the importance and use mathematical vocabulary and staff and children alike understand that maths terminology is an essential competency that underpins all maths knowledge.
In addition, we use oracy to help students explain their thinking, discuss problem-solving strategies, and deepen their understanding. By talking through their ideas, children gain confidence and develop stronger reasoning skills, making maths more engaging and accessible.
What is 'fluency' in maths?
Mathematical fluency is the combined ability for pupils to recall number facts and concepts with accuracy and automaticity. For example, pupils are required to recall multiplication facts quickly and accurately, such as rapidly recalling that 3x3=9. What is 'reasoning' in maths?
Reasoning is the process of applying logical thinking to a situation in order to identify and correct an error, solve a strategy or develop and describe a solution. Reasoning enables pupils to make use of all their mathematical skills. Furthermore, active talking and listening is imperative to build these reasoning skills.
What is 'problem solving' in maths?
Problem solving is finding a way to apply knowledge and skills to answer unfamiliar types of problems. A number of strategies may be used to solve the problem such as: visualising, finding a pattern, using different methods, working backwards. Some problems may even require more than one solution and more than one answer!
White Rose Maths at Horsenden
Teachers plan high quality maths mastery lessons using White Rose resources. White Rose’s mantra is simple: everyone can do maths: everyone can! At Horsenden, we have developed an inclusive culture where we are all mathematicians. Each year of planning is split into the three terms (Autumn, Spring and Summer) and each term comprises of individual blocks of learning about a particular topic. There is an important focus on building strong number skills. These important core skills lay a solid foundation for more complicated learning later on.
Each block of knowledge is divided into a series of small learning steps. These small steps cover all the curriculum content that pupils need to know. Once a topic is covered, it is met many times again in other contexts. At the start of every lesson, pupils answer ‘Flashback Four’ questions which revisit past key topics and are a fantastic way of reinforcing ‘sticky knowledge’. and ensuring learning is committed to long term memory.
Furthermore, whilst taking into account the lockdowns that the pupils have experienced, Horsenden follows White Rose’s ‘recovery curriculum’ where key learning objectives from the pupils’ previous year are accounted for and retaught. This ensures a deep learning approach where gaps are bridged and misconceptions are addressed. At the end of each learning block, pupils are assessed with an ‘end of block assessment’. This, along with the PUMA assessment each half term, informs teachers of the pupils’ ability and progress. Teachers have the opportunity to use this information to plan ‘Maths Meetings’ where bespoke teaching and learning takes place to plug gaps and secure pupil knowledge.
White Rose Progression Overview:
Horsenden Calculation Policy:
Understanding what 'maths' is
We use a 'subject poster' to begin lessons across the curriculum. These help pupils to identify the subject they are about to learn about and the key skills that they might be using within the lesson. You might use these to support your child's understanding of maths at home.
Key Stage 1 Maths Poster:
Key Stage 2 Maths Poster:
White Rose Resources for Parents
Below you will find some helpful videos and guidance about using White Rose resources, and how you can further support your child with their maths mastery learning at home. If you ever want any support with these or are unsure about these resources, please don't hesitate to email the admin team with a query for our Maths leader, who will be happy to support you.
- Maths with Michael videos:
White Rose Maths have teamed up with TV presenter, teacher and parent Michael Underwood to bring you a mini-series called 'Maths with Michael'. We understand that many parents feel like maths has changed and can sometimes find it difficult to keep up to date with modern teaching methods in maths. Don't worry as you're not alone! These videos are here to help you bridge the gap between school and home. Episodes will give you an introduction to place value, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and algebra. There are also Parent Guides for each video that provide a short 'how to' guide on each concept:A guide to place value A guide to subtraction A guide to multiplication A guide to division A guide to fractions A guide to algebra
- Home learning videos:
All of the White Rose ‘home learning’ lessons for Years 1-6 are available here. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child complete the activity successfully.
- White Rose 1 Minute Maths Apps:
A handy app that can be used to practise key maths skills in short, incremental bursts. For Key Stage 1 children, it's really good for things such as subitising, addition and subtraction. For Key Stage 2 children it's particularly good for multiplication and division practice!
- Parent workbooks:
White Rose have produced a range of work booklets for parents and pupils to use as needed. These booklets can be used to revise previous units that have been taught in school, or for additional practice. There is one booklet for each of the White Rose blocks for Y1 to Y6. - Parents' advice and guidance:
Further advice for parents and carers about the White Rose maths approach.
Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
It is a statutory requirement for Year 4 pupils to complete a times tables check, with a purpose to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables from 1 x 12 to 12 x 12 fluently. This was made compulsory by the Department of Education in June, 2020. The check will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.
Horsenden Primary Schools Year 4 pupils took part in the MTC pilot in June 2019, obtaining fantastic results. Our Times Table Project is now in full swing across year groups 1 to 5, to ensure that all pupils are making continued progress to be able to recall the multiplication tables from 1 to 12.
We use a programme called Times Table Rockstars (TTRockstars) which can be used at home for pupils to practise their times tables. This subscription will supplement the explicit teaching that we are doing in school.
Home learning booklets are available for all year groups to support times table practice at home. These can be found below:
Year 1 Times Tables Booklet Year 2 Times Table Booklet
Year 3 & 4 Times Table Booklet Year 5 & 6 Times Table Booklet
For more information, that is year group specific, please go to the required year group page and click on 'TTRockstars' under 'Letter to parents'. There are also many additional online resources to help your child practice and enjoy their times tables. You can find these in the 'useful websites' links below.
Assessment in Maths
At Horsenden, we believe that every child’s understanding of mathematics is unique, and we are committed to supporting their learning through a variety of assessment strategies. Our teachers assess pupils' understanding in a range of ways to ensure they are making progress and achieving their full potential. Assessments during lessons provide real-time insights into student understanding, while pre and post-unit assessments help us track growth and tailor instruction to individual needs. Additionally, we use end-of-term PUMA standardised assessments to measure overall progress and ensure that all pupils are developing a strong mathematical foundation. Teachers can then identify any gaps in pupils' understanding and adjust future lessons accordingly to address and resolve these gaps.These varied approaches to assessment allow us to celebrate each child’s achievements and provide the support they need to succeed in their mathematical journey.
Maths Curriculum in Action
Extended Maths Curriculum
Additional Useful Websites
- - Mathletics user guide (click to view)
- Log in to TTRockstars portal
- (free when you select 'guest')