
Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning cycle. At Horsenden Primary School teachers use a range of assessment tools such as questioning, observations and interactive feedback during lessons to inform the next steps for pupils as individuals and for the overall class or cohort. We believe that the assessment cycle should ensure that pupils know where they currently are in their learning, where they need to go and how to get there.


At the end of each term teachers determine an overall teacher judgement for reading, writing and maths. Assessments for science and the foundation subjects are done in a less formal manner, through pupil’s workbooks. Standardised tests and a detailed gaps analysis are used for reading and maths to check progress and to ensure pupils are on track to meet National Curriculum expectations for their age range. Moderation of writing assessments are done across the year group, phase and with other local schools. National Curriculum coverage grids are completed based on evidence seen in the classroom and in pupil’s workbooks. This information is then used to determine an overall judgement about whether the pupil is working at the expected, above or below the standard for their age group. The following table further explains the assessment levels that parents and carers will see on end of year reports.

The expectation is that the majority of pupils would be secure at the end of the academic year in the skills, knowledge and understanding required for their year group.




Working towards the expected standard in their year group

Working at the expected standard in their year group

Working at a greater depth standard in their year group

How Parents and Carers Receive Assessment Information

  • In Autumn 1 teachers will have a ‘settling in’ meeting. This gives teachers and parents/carers the opportunity to discuss progress and agree ways in which parents can support learning at home.
  • In Spring 1 a second parent evening is held which will outline how pupils are progressing and the identified gaps and targets for the second half of the school year.
  • End of year reports are sent home to parents and carers in the penultimate week of the school year which outline the final assessment levels for each pupil. An open evening is available in the final week of term for parents and carers who wish to discuss the report with the class teacher.
  • Year 1, 2 and 6 pupils will have an additional report as part of their end of year report pack, noting their child’s statutory assessment results (which are detailed below).

There are currently four sets of data that we are required to submit to the Local Authority and Department of Education, as follows:

  1. Early Years Statutory Assessments

At the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) we report the level of development that each pupil reaches. This is reported as either ‘emerging’, ‘expected’ or ‘exceeding’ against the Early Learning Goals. More details about this can be found here.

  1. Year 1 Phonics Screen

In June of each year all Year 1 pupils have a national screening for phonics which assesses pupils’ abilities to decode. If a pupil does not reach the pass mark for this screening in Year 1 (or the school has agreed with parents that the pupil is not yet ready to do the screening) they will be required to complete it in Year 2. More details about how we prepare our pupils for the phonics screening can be found here.


  1. Key Stage 1 Statutory Assessments

In May of each year all Year 2 pupils sit national tests for reading and maths. Tests are marked by class teachers and whilst they are used to benchmark a pupil’s progress, teachers use these alongside all other evidence seen throughout the school year to reach a final teacher assessment. Parents and carers of Year 2 pupils will be invited to an open evening that will provide detailed information about what is included in these tests and how you can help your child to consolidate their learning at home. More details about the Y2 assessment framework and the expected levels for reading, writing and maths can be found below:

Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Framework 2018/19

Information for Parents - National Curriculum Assessment Results at the End of Key Stage 1


4. Key Stage 2 Statutory Assessments

In May of each year all Year 6 pupils sit national tests for reading, maths and grammar, punctuation and spelling. All Year 6 papers are sent to external markers and theses tests will form the final assessment level for these subjects. Writing assessments are determined by class teachers and are then sent to the DfE.

Parents and carers of Year 6 pupils will be invited to an open evening that will provide detailed information about what is included in these tests and how you can help your child to consolidate their learning at home. More details about the Y6 assessment framework and the expected levels for writing can be found below:

Teacher Assessment Framework at the end of Key Stage 2 2018/19

Information for Parents - National Curriculum Assessment Results at the End of Key Stage 2


Year 4 Times Table Test

The Multiplication Tables Check is a new assessment that will become statutory in the 2019-20 school year. It will be taken by pupils at the end of Year 4. Continued practise of the times tables that are being practised in school will be beneficial for pupils however class teachers will send information out to the relevant year groups. More details about this can be found here:


Performance Tables

You can find the most recent performance tables for Horsenden Primary School here:

Please note that the planned publication date for the updated 2019 Key Stage 2 results is cited as December 2019 on the Gov.uk website.


KS2 Exemplification Materials

Exemplification material has been released nationally to show examples of work that Year 6 pupils should be producing by the end of Key Stage 2 (end of Year 6).

Although this is published for teachers, we felt that parents/carers may be interested to see the standard being expected for this year.

Click on the documents below to see these materials.

Showing 1-7 of 7

KS1 Exemplification Material

Exemplification material has been released nationally to show examples of work that Year 2 pupils should be producing by the end of Key Stage 1 (end of Year 2).

Although this is published for teachers, we felt that parents/carers may be interested to see the standard being expected for this year.

Click on the documents below to see these materials.

Showing 1-10 of 10