
At Horsenden we aim for every child to leave primary school equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding that is necessary in our ever-changing technological world. Our computing curriculum follows a spiral approach, with themes recurring from year group to year group to ensure that pupils:

  • Consolidate their technical skills
  • Achieve fluency with a range of applications
  • Develop their knowledge and understanding of the principles that underpin digital technologies and the changing consequences of these for individuals in society 

Units across the school cover the foundations, applications and implications of the three key strands of the computing curriculum, and each unit encourages creativity, collaboration and critical thinking skills to ensure pupils are linking their learning with world-ready skills. The 3 strands of the computing curriculum are:

  1. Computer Science
  2. Digital Literacy
  3. Information Technology 

Online safety is woven through all units to ensure that pupils have a thorough understanding of the best e-safety practice for each context/unit they encounter, and know how to handle any concerns.

The 'road map' for the pupils learning in Computing can be seen below.

Curriculum Documents

 Whole School Computing Curriculum Map:

Online Safety within the Computing Curriculum:

Curriculum in Action

Year 3: Google Form Surveys

Year 1: Digital Literacy