Key information
Class | Home Learning | Library | Swimming | P.E |
3H |
Sent out each Friday, due in the following Friday. Spellings tested on Thursdays. |
3H change their library books on Fridays.
3S changes their library books on Wednesdays.
Tuesday | Every Wednesday for all classes with Specialist PE Coach |
3S | Friday | |||
Curriculum Overview
Summary information about what the children will be learning each half term can be found in the curriculum overview documents. These are uploaded at the beginning of each half term and can be found by clicking the buttons below.
Paper copies are available on request from the school office.
Talk for Writing Story Maps & Model Texts
Story maps and model texts help children to retell their class text. They are used in our Talk for Writing lessons. We use model texts to teach pupils how to use new vocabulary and sentence structures effectively, how to structure their writing and how to use their writing toolkits and techniques for effect. The more that children internalise the vocabulary and sentence structures from our model texts, the better equipped they are for creating their own stories.
Key Texts & Story Spine for Year 3
The document below shows you the key texts that Year 3 will be using for their Talk for Writing units this year, as well as the supplementary reading texts that they will use as class readers. The class readers are set for all year groups and this makes our Horsenden Story Spine.
Letters to Parents
Y3 trip to Fulham Palace musuem
Trip Letter Year 3 Science museum
3S, 2S & 3D Change of class sharing assembly dates
Year 3 Parent Information Presentation - September 2023
Year 3: Curriculum in Action, 2022-2023
What's erupting...Volcanoes!
Suspense Writing
Geographical Enquiry Study
British Museum Trip
Year 3: Curriculum in Action, 2021-2022
Google Form Surveys
Becoming Roman soldiers
Stepping back in time to meet a Roman gladiator!
Author visit to inspire writing and link history concepts
Exploring ink in art lessons:
Crime scene in the reading hub!
Click the 'Online Learning' button below to view the recommended websites to help support your child's learning at home.